INTEA Breakfast Season #6

your e-learning partner
INTEA Breakfast — Season #6
Our two passions combine into fun, useful and honest morning webinar sessions.
Grab a cup and join us online on Fridays for a 45-minute insight into the world of learning!

We love e-learning and we love coffee

We take a look at risk, challenges and opportunities that 2023 will bring to L&D. We discuss what to expect, where to invest and what is simply overhyped, and we also look back at 2022 and see if our last year's predictions came true.
E-learning projects are tricky. Unlike many simpler work-related endeavours, they involve wide array of stakeholders, deal with somewhat irrational matters of taste and rely on a complex chain of technologies. How do we pull this off at INTEA a hundred times a year? Join us and we will share some of our trade secrets.
Join our live Q&A session about e-learning and ask any questions you may have. Feel free to send us questions and suggestions beforehand.
Are there actually useful, practical, tried and tested tools that are powered by machine learning? Yes, there are. Can L&D and HR get a lot of value from them?
In the words of our favourite character, Eeyore, "After all, what are birthdays? Here today and gone tomorrow". So let's celebrate while it's here.
Apple Vision Pro is said to be the most sophisticated personal computer device ever. Some say, it will revolutionize how we interact with both the digital and the physical world. Or... will it?

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© 2023 INTEA
Contact us
Address: Zemitana Street 2b-407, Riga,
LV-1012, Latvia
Phone: +371 256 738 39
Registration number: 40103230518

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